hej hi!

I'm trying a new thing here on the blog today.
my readers here on the blog are from different countries, so I thought I could try using the blog translator. I'm not very good at English and grammar all the time, 🙈😅😅so I thought we could try this tool.😁

I hope that more of my friends now can enjoy my blog! 
Let me know what you think about this idea!

This is from yesterday when I wrote my first text here on my blog in a long time.👇

It makes me very happy that I still have readers on this old blog, actually , I have got message both here and on fb from people who asked me when I will start  blog again. 
Thanks to you I will try to blog again,🙏🤗

But now I need to go to sleep 😴💤
Tomorrow I'm driving a friend to the hospital to have an X-ray. We have to leave already at 7.30 🤪  
Good night everyone! 
Peace love and understanding ✌️❤️🤗

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