Sopa konflikter och problem under mattan. skylla på individen -undkomma ansvar!

Sopa konflikter och problem under mattan. skylla på individen- undkomma ansvar!

"Diagnoser är ett påfund som man uppfunnit för att kunna skylla problem och konflikter som sker ute i samhället på enstaka individer! Det är samhällets sätt att skjuta ifrån sig ansvaret på individer.

Istället för att samhället ska ta tag i mobbning och annan diskriminering så säger man att "det där var inte mobbning - det där var hans störning/diagnos!!!"

Sen finns det säkert scizofreni osv.. Men diagnoser som autism/asperger/autistiska drag eller ADHD ges ut alldeles för lättvindigt och godtyckligt idag.. Ofta för att stryka över problem och sopa samhällets ansvar under mattan."

torsdag 27 oktober 2022

"Racism in the Swedish System" - I must agree with this African woman as an adopted Brazilian-Swedish man.


I have written a comment in a group over on facebook where your mother has posted about this case.

Know that I do agree with you.

I am myself a 32-year-old man, adopted to Sweden from Brazil by white Swedish parents - back in 1990.

Unlike your brother I lived a perfectly normal middle-class Swedish life and had normal friends, studied in a normal class etc - but in grade 9 back in 2005-2006 I got labeled with "Autistic Features" and another diagnose which has now been removed (it got removed in 2012, "Marginal Mental Retardation") after conflicts in school started by a white boy - of course I got all the blame after retaliating and after that the child-psychiatry started to investigate and label me and my sister - my sister wasn't involved in the same incident but she was bullied in the same school and also exploded on her bullies which of course caused the teachers to blame her for being the violent one - and she got labeled by the child-psychiatry with the exact same labels as me - the white Swedes may start the conflicts, call us names, provoke, spread rumors on social media and even sometimes start fights - but it's always the adopted kid who gets the blame and the label because we have a hot temperament and the person exploding is the one solely blamed for everything - not the person provoking the explosion.

It's like they blame the bomb and not the person who ignited it.

If someone didn't ignite the bomb it would't have exploded...

I also do share his experiences with a guardian/conservator/förvaltare as I had one myself forced on me between 2009-2020 - and yeah - the label from 2006 caused a lot of problems between 2009-2013 because I was treated like a retard and like an autist - the authorities didn't know me and they did only read up on the labels that I had been labeled with as a teen - so they do treat everybody with a certain diagnose very similar and they'll ignore individual differences in background and history. In essence it doesn't matter if you had a normal childhood or if you were a special-needs-kid - at the end of the day anyone with an autistic diagnose will be treated the same no matter their history - you were different as kids but after the label you're the same is their reasoning - so in essence I'm equal to people with special needs because of my label being the same as theirs - the fact that I had a normal childhood unlike them doesn't matter because nobody knows about it except your family, the school and your classmates from back then - and the psychiatry won't go around asking them for information - they'll just treat anybody with a certain label equally ignoring certain differences in each individuals history. I myself took it as a severe insult to be treated like one of those special-needs kids when I never had special needs and went to a normal class in school. But all of a sudden I had special needs as a 19-year-old adult back in 2009 because the child-psychiatry had labeled me with "Autistic Features" and "Marginal Mental Retardation" in 2006 when I were 16-years-old - after said conflict started by a white guy but where I retaliated and got all the blame..

I have personal experience of the "Forensic Psychiatry" in Sweden and they've written similar stuff about me in their documents as they did to your brother.

It's violent behavior that they view as illness.. Even though they'll turn a blind eye when white Swedes do the same thing! But if you're black and a migrant, or adopted and look like a black migrant - they'll never turn a blind eye to your violence! They don't care if you have white Swedish parents or not.. It didn't protect me, it didn't protect my twin-sister - it didn't protect the countless other adopted kids labeled after conflicts in school - because they've gotten the same treatment black children would get because the white Swedes inside the system think themselves superior to children of color and especially black children. These people label us the first opportunity they'd get but never their own white kids for the same behavior.

Sweden lies a lot and says that "race do not matter" - but race is the only difference between an adopted kid and a white Swedish kid - we share their culture, their upbringing, their language, their values - we do not share their skin-color or their temperament - so it's the temperament causing them to label us mentally ill - and it's the skin-color causing them to bully us in school and to look down on us as inferior.

As such their bullshit about skin-color not mattering is crap because it's literally all that matters when they hand out the blame and after that the autistic labels!

Your brother is facing the same bullshit from the Forensic Psychiatry in 2022 that I faced in 2012.. And I'm adopted from Brazil while he is a migrant from Africa.

What do I share with him? Hot temperament? Yes Skin Color? Yes The same label? Yes.

It would seem the fact I have white parents and is adopted didn't matter.

All that mattered was my temperament and my skin-color.

Edit: This sister is fighting for her brother, and their mother is also fighting - while my adoptive mother told me she didn't even read my blog - that shows the difference between a biological caring family and a traitor who calls herself my mother.

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